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Re: [DL] The Guru of EVIL

I'm not as familliar with WW as HOE, but have you tried something along the
lines of the Hangin' Judge? Something where a specific way to kill it has
been found? This should give him a real challange as he'll have to use his
head instead of his hands. If you haven't got it already, take a look a
rascals, varmints and critters 2 to see how they did the hangin judges.

Alternatively, in HOE there is an insect called the discord bug. It has a
particular side effect on sykers (which come from enlightened) that disrupts
their power. You could craft a similar monster to temporarily strip him down
a bit.

Also, if he's this powerful, surely he's beginnig to attract the attention
of the Reckoners? Perhaps things should start actively hunting him. I mean
really stalking him. Rather than just trying to kill him, it starts just
watching him constantly... just immagine that spider sense going off
constantly, but nothing happening... he won't trust it as much. Then it
starts leaving him little preasents... start with dead birds and stuff and
work your way up. Then it begins to start distracting him during combat. As
he is fighting he see it in the corner of his vision. A fleeting shape, no
more. Let him decide what it is. Play it right and he should start getting
paranoid. The Reckoners being what they are should be able to provide him
with most things that his imagination can provide... then take it from


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Shoffner" <shoffner@usit.net>
To: <deadlands@gamerz.net>
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2002 2:56 AM
Subject: [DL] The Guru of EVIL

> Hmmm..... Clint Black is the true guru of EVIL.  And all this time, I
> thought he just sung country songs to pass the time. :)
> Well, Mr. EVIL, perhaps you can help me like you helped the guy with
> superhero Blessed.
> I have Mao the Human Cuisinart, an enlightened martial artist that has to
> seen to be believed.  Once,  our marshal through out a Japanese Ronin at
> him, just to play with him a little.  Mao decides to have fun with the guy
> enters combat with a pair of chopsticks (Enlightened Gimick Weapon).  They
> charge into melee combat, Mao gets to go first, hits the guy in the eyes
> with an aimed shot, rolls a god-awful roll (somewhere in the 50s), rolls
> damage & manages to come up with a total of 72 or some such.  Marshal just
> throws up his hands & lets the ronin die.
> Mao is just a killing machine; has no remorse for other folks (heck, we've
> even had some trouble with other posse members), but he doesn't really DO
> anything to really tick off any players or NPCs
> I ran him through the Devil's Tower trilogy; first act, I beefed up the
> involved, & he almost single-handedly kills them all even though I played
> them as a team.  (Oh man, in one scene he encounters [blank] when another
> sneaks up behinds him to shoot him in the back. Mao makes his cognition,
> catches the two bullets fired at him, throws them at the first person, I
> surprise him by having first person CATCH them & THROW them back as well,
> catches them AGAIN to throw them at the person who shot him.  This takes
> gunbunny, plus he has one Action left to take out his original foe.
> So, any thoughts?
> Oh, another time, went up against the big "bad" guy in Ghost Busters.
> Heh-heh.  FINALLY fails that damn "spider sense" thing he's got going for
> him & gets it good in the back. He reacts next action to tag the guy with
> his sword, I cheat & have the guy ghost out of the way. I do the drill of
> losing him in the steam & whatnot, he notices another attack that is
> in, easily dodges it, does "Smoke Parts For Iron" nails the bad guy with
> such a phenomenal hit that vamoosing ain't going to help, & rips the guy's
> leg off.
> I'm seriously thinking of sending him to HoE.  I think he'd do well
> there.....
> Jeff S
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