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[DL] Anyone viewed the Deadlands CG movies yet?

I got my Bone-nanza CD in the mail yesterday. (Thanks PEG!) I of course
ran to the computer to check out the promised videos. Very nice looking
stuff! I'm definitely gonna get this game.


I really don't think it's needed, but better safe than stuck with a
posse that knows too much...

Some of the things that caught my eye:

- The "walk-thru" clip showed some very promising stuff. And showed that
it's not ready for anything but these neato previews. The character
doing all the walking didn't walk on the ground, but about 2 inches
below/into the ground. Looked like he was walking in mud, which was
funny when he was inside the saloon. Pretty common during initial tests
for this sorta game I understand. (Apparently you can make it happen in
released games that let the end-user create their own models like Quake
III, if the end-user isn't careful about doing the animations.)  But the
look and feel of the environment was very close to my vision of

- The "fear factor" clip is a hugely useful bit of visualization.
Something like this would have been great addition to the Deadlands
rulebook to explain the effect of fear on landscape. Not sure how you
could translate the video clip into print (maybe a flip-book-animation
on the bottom corners of the pages? Bet that'd be a lot of work!) I
especially liked the way that the cacti slowly reached towards the
viewer... Overall I liked the look that Headfirst is giving the game. I
hope they keep Shane and Co. posted with new videos, and that there's
ways PEG can forward those on to us.

Jeff Y.