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Re: [DL] Player info vs. Marshal info

>From: "Mr. Christopher McGlothlin, M.Ed." <sosentinel@adelphia.net>
>At 07:11 PM 5/1/2002, Mr. Matt Maybray wrote:
>>Damn shame. That's a great book. Not *quite* as good as BE: The North, but 
>>then, I'm just a damn yankee ;).
>         Oh I agree, BE:TN is a heckuva good book, and one created under 
>much more trying circumstances than its hillbilly companion volume. The sad 
>thing is, as poorly as BE:TS sold, it still out-performed BE:TN.
>Deo Vindice,
>Mr. Christopher L. McGlothlin, M.Ed.

My group owns both, but I think one reason for low sales is the Back East 
isn't the West.  Most campaigns focus on cowbow/western type adventures, I 
would imagine.  I could see having an adventure or two back east, but I 
personally couldn't see an entire campaign based BE.

Just my thoughts.

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