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Re: [DL] Detroit (Motown Spoilers)

At 10:06 AM 5/6/2002, Mr. Jeff Shoffner wrote:
>I seem to recall the reasoning behind the attack on Detroit; could be wrong
>Agents Provacateur.  Bunch of these nasties get into British high command &
>convince them to do something this stupid.
>End of story.

         Actually, it was Mina Devlin who "got into" the British ruling 
class, knowwhatImean, knowwhatImean, say no more, say no more?

Deo Vindice,
Mr. Christopher L. McGlothlin, M.Ed.

Freelance RPG Writer At-Large
Member, Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design
Moderator of the New Gamers Order Listserver
Southern by the Grace of God