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Re: AW: [DL] what would you do? (OT)

---- deadlands@gamerz.net wrote:
> Righte O. As I stated before I do apologize. For 
> reason I was being a Ditz....hmmm that's been
> happening alot lately. I stand Corrected and I do
> thank you. Now if we can Shore up this and move on
> with more important things. 
> Like..
> Any Ideas on Armor of Righteousness. One of the 
> in my gaming group has it and it really is worrying
> our Marshal. The guy has it and has 5d12 in faith.
> That doesn't really bother us, but tonight in our
> gaming session the lowest his Armor ever got in the
> combat was 19..and actually that's the lowest it's
> ever been. Not to accuse him of cheating or anything
> it's just insane. anyways I'd like some idea. oh and
> to help the GM out some. Know of any good ways to
> shortfall him. We aren't out to hose him or anything
> just he's ungodly powerful...hmmm kinda ironic
> wording...an ungodly powerful blessed.... Any
> information would be helpful.
> Rupert..
> The annoying one...and currently severely injured
> one....Thanks Max
Give a black magician a power to "concecrate" a 
weapon to penetrate his holy armor, make it limited 
so that it don't just crush the player, but it will 
keep him on his toes the next time.