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Re: [DL] the Marshal's Fate Chips [PEG]

From: "Jeff Yates" <jyates@primaryfunction.com>
> > THINKING OUTLOUD: Maybe I'll go with 10 + 1 per Arcane
> > Background and Horrowed. That would give me 13 and make the
> > PC's think twice about 'dem spiffy supernatural powers.
> >
> That sounds like a good idea actually. Not too over the top, and
> seemingly well justified.  We've got 8 people sittin' around the table
> usually (sometimes one or two more!!) and that makes for 70 chips to 10.
> 70 to 13 isn't out of the question, and leaves it to the players whether
> the Marshal gets a chip or two extra to keep.

I'm going to mark my calendar, My first good idea to the list. Yippie!! =)

Normaly I find that I get enough chips from the player, infact I get more
the more players there are.

> Also, if by chance I have any chips left after the main villain shows up
> and the "Climax" (TM) of the yarn occurs, I toss them all in the pot and
> start over.  The players usually have lost nearly all their chips, so I
> figure I might as well too.  Well, the adventure probably ended with the
> posse blowing up the villain, themselves, and half the town's buildings
> with a wagon load of explosives.  Cycling thru that many characters
> seems to warrant a reset of Fate's view of the posse...

I reset my stack if more then half the posse changes, they could probably
use the break. =)  Black Chips might follow, though I have yet to give one
out, and I'd probably only carry the chip the posse earned while dyin'.
Though I might also base it on how much of the original possee is left.

... armchair philosophers? Where are they supposed to do it? "Descarte leapt
across the ditch as the bullets buzzed past his ears like angry wasps - 'If
all I can know is the product of my own perceptions,' he thought as he
punched another Hussar in the throat, 'then all I can say with any
confidence is "I think, therefore I am." ' Turning, he grabbed the Prussian
colonel's cap and wrenched down over his ears, tossing him back into the
trench now filled with twisted corpses."  --Radical Athority (rpg.net)