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RE: [DL] martial arts question


>I wanted to know how everyone is handling the Martial Artist under the D20 system.

>I'm currently converting my posse's characters over to D20 so I can see how it's

>going to work and whether or not I should stay with the original system or change

>over to D20. One of them is a Martial Artist and the best thing I can come up with is

>to allow him the Monk class out of Player's handbook. What do ya'll think?


Someone on this list is working on a translation to d20 for Martial Artists (Kevin, I believe).  Maybe they can help you.


>Ok...one more thing..this time I mean it...lol What's the general consensus with

>people on this listserve on Deadlands D20, how does it rank against the original system?


Apples and oranges.  We have people that play both on the list, and it simply comes down to system preference.  Each person could tell you their personal reason for choosing one system over another, but really the decision is ultimately belongs to you and your gaming group.  Since Pinnacle supports both equally, it all depends on what you want to play.



Welcome to the list!




Clint Black


"You smell that? Do you smell that? ...Ghost Rock, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of ghost rock in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for twelve hours. When it was all over I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' Yank body. The smell, you know that sulphurous smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory. Someday this war's gonna end..."