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RE: [DL] any idea what's going on...

Sorry I'm a little late with these comments.

From what I can tell, those who wish to transport Deadlands to other
countries tend to live in those particular countries (however I
personally have no desire to roleplay in 1870's Scotland!).  I can
understand why people want to do this - however as Wes said it is the
Weird West; Deadlands at its core is a cross genre game of western
horror.  If you remove the western element by moving it to another
country - it becomes just a horror game, and IMO there are plenty of
these on the market to choose from.  If I had to go out and choose a
RPG to roleplay straight horror in the UK - I wouldn't use Deadlands,
to my mind transporting the campy horror feel of Deadlands into another
game would be far easier and would work better than taking the western
element out of Deadlands.

As far as creating a character background.  I find creating a Deadlands
character who's background isn't lifted from a movie reasonably
challenging - however there are plenty of websites that can provide the
information you are looking for with a little digging.  Puting this
such stuff up on a web site somewhere as a resource would be excellent.
At the moment, in my group, I tend to avoid such issues by transporting
any of the PC's  characters' backgrounds that I wish to use across to
America with the players character.

If PEG does decide to publish fan submissions covering other parts of
the world in future editions of the Epitaph, I hope/request that those
submissions include a decent amount of information that isn't totally
tied to that particular country/city in order to allow everyone else to
transport it into there game wherever it was situated.



PS Wes,  if I was to gather together some of the rulings covering the
rulebooks not listed in the accumulated rulings would you be interested
in adding them in?

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