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Re: [DL] Hexes - Personaly Developed

Hey there;

This is a little Hex that Doctor Francis Calloway (Doc,  my Hexslinger) put together.  I see it's two major weaknesses as 1) you really need a good quickness draw, since it only lasts till the end of the current combat round and if it comes off you want to make sure to fill the thing full 'o lead ASAP.  And 2) if you bust or draw a black Joker, the consequences can get a little rough.  But that's what makes a good hex, right? :)  I've only cast this hex once, and I'm sure many of you Marshals can sympathize with mine, since I didn't bust, I didn't draw the black Joker, and I came up with a straight.  The huge dark priest (of whom we were all very terrified) went down quite quickly after that...:)

Let me know what you think!

Doc’s Fickle Finger of Fate
Trait:  Spirit
Hand:  Ace
Speed:  Instant
Duration:  Until the end of the current combat round
Range:  5 yards a hex level - must have line of sight

Sometimes, Fate can be a bigger b**ch than Lady Luck.  With this hex, a huckster can make fickle Fate frown on one person or creature for a short time.  When cast, the manitou magically interferes with and disrupts the target's fate, karma, katra, whatever, causing serious trouble.  The result in game terms is that, for the duration of the hex, the affected creature or person cannot spend more than a certain amount of fate chips to negate wounds, re-roll dice, etc.  Basically, they have a limit put on how much Fate can help them out.  It should be noted that if the huckster busts on his hexslingin' roll, or if a hex misfire causes the hex to not go off, then the target of the hex receives five Fate Chips, randomly drawn from the fate pot, or two Fate Chips randomly drawn from the huckster's personal stash--at the target's discretion.  The table that follows details the effect of each hand (this spell has no effect on Legend chips):
Ace   - No more than six fate chips spent for the duration
Pair  - No more than five fate chips spent for the duration
Jacks  - No more than four fate chips spent for the duration
Two Pair  - No more than three fate chips spent for the duration
Three of a Kind  - No more than two fate chips spent for the duration
Straight  -  No more than one fate chip spent for the duration
Flush or higher - No fate chips may be spent this round