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Re: [DL] Former Wrestler PC?

I don't have this on absolute knowledge but my educated guess would be 
that "professional wrestling" probably started as a side show attraction 
to circuses.  I know in the early 20th century at least, carnival or 
circus promoters would hire toughs to travel with them and then offer a 
sum of money for anyone who could pin the "champion" within two minutes. 
 This tradition was still going on as of a decade or so ago as anyone 
who saw this last weekend's WWE Confidential will remember.  That's how 
William Regal got his wrestling start.  If you were to make one of these 
wrestlers, I'd think he'd have to be really tough legitimately, possibly 
with some martial arts throws since usually all the champ had to do in 
these scenarios is throw the local out of the ring to win.

As a side question to Mr. McGlothlin or anyone who knows, I read 
somewhere that Abe Lincoln was a pro wrestler for a bit in his younger 
days.  Is this another "George Washington Cherry Tree" type of legend or 
is it true?

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even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; 
in its worst state, an intolerable one.
                                -Thomas Paine