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Re: [DL] Am I crazy?

allensh wrote:

>I'm getting really frustrated. I thought there was a
>PDF put out a while back that gave Deadlands D20 stats
>for the various Dime Novels. I thought I had this on
>my hard drive but I don't, and it's not on Pinnacle's
>website. Does this thing exist, or did it ever exist?
I know of 2 different documents that you may be getting confused with 
each other. The first one is a conversion of bounty point awards to chip 
awards for the older Dime Novels, the ones that had been made using the 
first edition Deadlands rules. The second document has ideas on how to 
convert "classic" Deadlands stuff to d20 Deadlands. I don't know of any 
document that specifically has D20 stats for each dime novel, unless it 
is up on someones personal fan page.
