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RE: [DL] Cover rules & malfunctions

At 12:03 AM 7/26/2002, Mr. Mark Chiddicks wrote:
>On a related subject, Civil War era longarms were historically, habitually 
>fired too high - many misses went over the target's head because the 
>soldiers didn't aim low enough. I think the system should allow for this - 
>rifles & carbines getting a +3 or so to location with 21+ being a shot 
>over the target's head - this penalty is reduced by 1 for each level of 
>aptitude in Shootin' Rifles.

         Firing too high, too low, et. al. was due to normal human stress 
reactions, not the weapons themselves. How one handles stress under fire is 
already simulated by the character's level/Shootin' skill.

Deo Vindice,
Mr. Christopher L. McGlothlin, M.Ed.

Educator & Freelance RPG Writer
Member, Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design
Moderator of the New Gamers Order Listserver

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