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Re: [DL] Freeing the Slaves

 >I think at the end of the day this game was written by Southerners, and
 >nobody wants to put down their home team.

Not quite true on this one.  If you look back in the archives long enough, 
you'll see where this has come up before - on both sides.  I distinctly 
remember discussions on how pro-North the DL books are/were.

Take the whole setting, over all of the books, and you'll find that it 
comes out pretty even.  There are good guys on both sides of the line, and 
bad guys on both sides.  With both sides engaging in noble behavior and 
committing atrocities.

Sure as hell, if I were writing an
 >alternate-historical RPG and it was anywhere close to thematically
 >appropriate, the New England Confederation would be independent and 
 >believe you me!
 >Peter Berard
 >"Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!"
 >-Admiral David Farragut, Siege of Mobile
 >"Well, once you start thinking you're the Pope, it's a short step to
 >murdering people"
 >-Detective Briscoe, Law and Order
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Allan Seyberth

A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants 
to read.
                 -Mark Twain