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[DL] Re: deadlands-digest.20020801-3

<< Here is a question for those who've been with Deadlands sicne the 
beginning. Which published adventure do you think is the most memorable? >>

well, I'll admit I haven't been with Deadlands from the beginning, but since 
I own one of everything for deadlands classic (except for twisted tales and 
toxic tales, no rail wars and just the main book for D20 though, just 
classic)   I think I have a decent right to respond.

Personally I'm going to go with the heart of Darkness, part two of the 
devil's tower trilogy.   some of my other favorites are:

Night train (for the sheer rep that it has, even though the thing fizzled 
with my group)

Ghostbusters (had a very different "feel" to it when I ran it the first time, 
and I'm looking forward to running it the second time.)

my two least favorite are

Fortress of Fear (horrible editing,  too many inconsistencies.   plus the 
whole problem with the adventure breaking a rule established later)

Canyon o' doom (my posse skipped the first 80 odd pages of the adventure, and 
I'm glad of it.   looking back on them it was a month's worth of random 
encounters IMHO)

and now for the marshall's only section of my reviews


heart of Darkness, part two of the devil's tower trilogy-   infiltrate the 
rock, free the main badass of the series, and finally get doublecrossed by 
him after fighting off demons.   some great stories came out of this 
adventure, and having the posse be responsilbe for some of the badness that 
stone does is just icing

Night train- just for the rep, nothing more.  my group took it with just a 
few scratches due to sheer luck and a couple inaccurate calls on my part, but 
it still deserves a place for being one of the most talked about adventures.

Ghostbusters-for the real good investigative "feel" it had, no combat for 
close to a session, just some solid investigative work into something really 
worth looking into.

my two least favorite are

Fortress of Fear -besides the horrible editing and inconsistencies, the whole 
thing with the posse getting jackie's journal breaks the main tenant of the 
rules put down in the unity.

Canyon o' doom (my posse skipped the first 80 odd pages of the adventure, and 
I'm glad of it.   looking back on them it was a month's worth of random 
encounters IMHO), plus, I'm still pissed that there is an old one loose and 
we haven't heard anything about where he is or what he's doing.