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RE: [DL] old post, but mainly directed at Chris McGlothlin....

I always thought that the South was just a little hypocritical when they resisted West Virginia's secession from the Confederacy. Secession only a good thing when its to JOIN the CSA?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Shoffner [mailto:shoffner@esper.com]
Sent: Monday, 5 August 2002 2:55 p.m.
To: deadlands@gamerz.net
Subject: [DL] old post, but mainly directed at Chris McGlothlin....

>Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2002 02:20:07 -0400
>From: sosentinel@adelphia.net
>Subject: Re: [DL] Freeing the Slaves


>         And not an unreasonable one, but one the historical record does
>not support. Initially, there was considerable resistance to secession--in
>fact, in some areas, it never went away (western Virginia and east
>Tennessee are the best, but far from the only, examples).

That's "East Tennessee" & smile when you say that, Mister!!! (at least he
didn't call it "Eastern Tennessee" like some damnyankee.....)

[more snippage]

>From: knick_nevin@yahoo.com
>Subject: [DL] The South Lost the War?! (OT)

>well, speaking as a northerner (Wisconsin) whose
>dating a southerner (Texas), I'm often told to "go
>home Yankee boy"
>I am also told to "shut up Cheese Boy" but since other
>northerners like to deride Wisconsinites...

Naw, you got it all wrong there, Knick.  When we say, "Go home Yankeeboy!"
that's kind of like saying "good morning" to the rest of you.  Kind of like
how you aren't a Yankee, but a Damnyankee--it just goes without saying....

Jeff S

Living in the Scruffy Little City by the French Broad--don't care what TVA
calls it.

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