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Re: [DL] Lincoln/Kennedy (Strictly OT)


 Kevin L Stoner wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: Patrick Downs
Date: Wednesday, August 7, 2002 5:50 pm
Subject: Re: [DL] Lincoln/Kennedy (Strictly OT)

> --- Lenny Chukker wrote:
> > Alot of that is just hogwash.
> > Want to get the real skinny on the kennedy
> > lincoln connection go to www.snopes.com
> http://www.snopes.com/histor
> It's the exact same list
> So if it's hogwash, then snopes.com is prone to
> printing hogwash
> just an FYI
> -doc


in case any of you do not know... snopes is a website all about
hoaxes... helllo!!!!

Kevin Stoner

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Of course its all about hoaxes. Thats what i was pointing out. That whole kennedy lincoln thing is a hoax, and some of it is just pure coincidence.

Just like sept 11 and all the stuff that popped up that people kept seeing or said was there or was seeing too much into it.

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