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Re: [DL] Probability Search

 --- gathomas4@juno.com wrote: > Greetings!
> i was wondering if anyone still knows where i can find the
> statistical
> probabilities for various dice combos beating each of the difficulty
> levels.

Try Allan's site


which contains the following

Huckster - Poker odds (html) 
Huckster - Poker odds with Deadman's Hand (html) 
Huckster - Standard in Excel 
Huckster - Deadman's Hand in Excel 
Dice Odds - The odds, calculated by several folks, for the various die
rolls in the game. 
The same tables, in Wordperfect format, along with the raw data. 
Vincent Vandemeulebrouck's Die Roller Program. 
And Vincent's statitics calculation program. 



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