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Re: [DL] (Off topic) an idea for a new RPG alter Earth world

> Hi,
>     Why am I not surprised about Bernard Cornwell?  He really owes Sean
> a lot!  ;-)
>     As far as the Battle of the Chesapeake Bay is concerned the way I
> understand it, is that that name refers to the naval battle just outside
> Chesapeake Bay resulted in the British loss of naval dominance in the area
> which meant the French now controlled the bay.  This in turn meant that
> British couldn't supply their land forces at Yorktown, while the French
> the Americans could do so by land.  Without supplies and reinforcement, it
> was only a matter of time before Cornwallis had to surrender.  Dewey
> Lambdin's book the French Admiral describes the events quite nicely.  The
> two battles did not take place at the same time.  I am not a real expert
> American History but I think that Yorktown is considered a separate though
> connected event compared to the Battle of Chesapeake.
>     As far as British allies in Europe, well, bear in mind that a
> significant part of Germany was governed by the King of England in his
> function as the Elector of Hannover.  Hence the presence of German Hessian
> troops in the British forces.  This in turn probably meant he had
> with the other German states though to what degree this was useful and
> whether said states were able to do anything useful, I don't know.
>           Daniel
> "Thus conscience doth make cowards of us all."
>      Hamlet, Act III, scene i.

Ok is there any source books on this battle that you know of, also we got to
talk via private E-Mail.

I can be reached at vaultkeeper@dupuis.shawbiz.ca