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Re: [DL] PC's donšt run


"You want PC's to run, play Shadowrun.  Players in the game may be big and 
bad, but the first responsibility of a Shadowrun GM is to show them that 
they are tiny fish in a huge friggin pond.  In Deadlands, as with most 
other RPGs, the PC's are the shield of hope, the champions of justics and 
all that stuff.  "

The rest I leave as an exercise to the reader. . .

At 07:09 PM 9/30/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>u want PC's to run, play shadowrun. players may be big and bad, but teh 
>frist responsable of a shadowrun GM is to show them that they are tiny, 
>tiny fish in a huge friggin pond. in deadlands, as with most other RPGs, 
>the PC are the shield of hope, the champions of justiuce and all that 
>crap. well thats fine in champions, where ur accually super heros, but in 
>many RPG i try to show the player they are tiny insignificent specs and if 
>they do get LUCKY enough to change the world they are greatly rewarded. it 
>is becasue of this philosaphy i cant attract any new members to teh group. 
>on the otehr hadn if i change, teh few i have will probly leave. tell teh 
>players before u begin
>"some people think the GM's role is that of god. i am not one of those 
>people. i belive the GM's role is that of satan. my job is to make it a 
>fiar game, yet hard on you. u have the burden of saving your own hide. if 
>u choose to work together, that fine. if u squabble and infight, great! 
>more fun for me. u will hate me, u will resent me, and u might just win."
>they will be quite inclined to run if u tell them this. and those player 
>who resent dieing, to hell with them. "wine, wine, wine, nag, nag, nag, 
>why am i dead, this sucks". i always reply "well billy badass, maybe u 
>should have consdered your options when u ran out of ammo in teh room full 
>of zombies instead of trying to pistol whip them all."

Allan Seyberth

Anything that makes your mother cry is fun.
                 -P.J. O'Rourke