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Re: [DL] 1st Ed Rules, Q&D and Ghost Dancers

> I dont think that i confuse something there becourse i never 
> saw the revised
> edition, i got the original rules years ago and never wantet 
> to spend twice
> the money on two books of which i allready have most of the content.
> The Errata i am referring to is on page 11 of Q&D where they 
> also list the
> changes for close combat damage, unskilled use,throwing, 
> night terrors, luck
> of the irish, movement, fate chips, hucksters and mad sience.
> Regards
>     Patrick

It's just that everything you mention was changed between first edition
and the revised edition.  My copy of Q&D (denoted second printing on
the first page with the credits - bottom right) doesn't have any errata
on pg 11.  It seems strange that Pinnacle would errata Luck Of the
Irish on Pg 11 when it first appears in Q&D on Pg 8 (at least in my

I still suspect that the errata is an attempt to merge with the first
edition with the revised rules - however Pinnacle did say at the time
that the revision wasn't to force people to shell out for new books. 
As such they had a document that covered most of the changes from first
edition to the revised edition.  I think that a significant portion of
this document could make up what appears as the errata in your book.  

Patrick I have sent you a copy of this document privately so you can
check if this is indeed the case.  The only other thing I can think to
check is what is the printing date of your copy of Q&D?



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