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[DL] GWN Question (Repost) [Shane]

I got a question...  Just gotta ask, again...  But, first, the Spoiler Space!!!




















Nothin' tae see hear, new!  Move Along!!!











OK, this should work...


The Metis have a special blend of Religion that mixes Christianity (Catholisim to be exact) and First Nations Shamanism...  Does that mean that BOTH the Arcane Backgrounds of Blessed and Shaman are open to them.  Now, as a Marshal, I would say "No!" to having them both at the same time, but do they have one OR the other available to 'em???

Aside from that question...  And a theory that some British-Made Weapons should have been included in the book (Yes, I have all the Epitaphs, and Law Dogs, but both of those are predominetly CSA/USA manufacture, with only three or four British Weapons!)...  Oh well, research is good!

Oh, right...  My point.  The only complaint I have is the Black Donnelly's.  THEY'RE BLOODY WIMPS!!!  Now, I'm going to have them as human anyways, but two things stand out...  A MERE 3D8 of Brawling!!!  These guys held off GANGS of people single-handedly (Well, Two-Fisted, but you get the idea)!!!  And a Shooting skill???  I've only found one reference to them hitting anything with a gun (And that was a BULL!), they considered guns to be weapons of cowards!  The Terror Rating is right, however, with it shooting up to 12 in Luncan and surrounding areas.  Ah well, is mainly due to my specific research on 'em I guess.  They aren't the sissified folk you see in the books, folks!  They're much tougher and meaner than that!  (Johannah Donnelly was once said to have prayed to God that "Should my Boys ever forgive an enemy, they should burn in the Fires Of Hell!"  Now that's MEAN!).

I will use the Stats for Pseudo-Donnelly's that are doing carnage and destruction in their name, however, so all is not lost!

Hey, if that's all I have to ask or complain about, I think you folks did DARN fine!!!  In fact, despite the years that I had been waiting, it was, indeed, worth it!

Thank you very much,


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