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[DL] Re: Hunting Grounds

Thanks to everyone for your replies - thay've managed to get me some
ideas from which to frame my version of the hunting grounds.

In reply to Brumy8@aol.com

Ghost Dancers is good for the "what happens if they die in the hunting
grounds" and "how do they get there" type questions - but for the rest
of it - I have trouble picturing it and if I'm having trouble picturing
it, then I have little chance of getting across my image to the

In reply to balance@tubas.net

The posse's trip to the hunting grounds is part of an ongoing campaign,
which as part of it contained the first two parts of the Fortress
O'Fear adventures.  However I have such an aversion to the last part of
the adventure that I rewritten the last part.  Essentially Stone is off
into the Hunting Grounds with the diamond instead of the portal with
the posse in tow.  Stone is heading for the Deadlands and if my posse
hesitate any more then they will have to not only enter the hunting
grounds but enter the Deadlands to stop him. 

The literal / metaphorical split is a good idea - I might have to go
and look up a few Indian myths and legends.  

In reply to mightygecko@juno.com

I don't want to change reality - however I like the idea of a twisted
reality.  I sort of fancy them seeing the open plains of the hunting
grounds and then if they have to enter the Deadlands - they find
themselves stepping into strange locations such as the tight cramped
streets of New Orleans or New York (or hellish versions of the same),
stepping through doorways into different un-natural places.  I think
I'll go and try and look up some infamous streets for the characters to
walk through in the Deadlands time period (I'll be all googled out at
this rate!).

In reply to doc@daco.net

Actually your reminiscing was of benefit as it lets me know how you
warped the players reality and gives me something else to think about.

So far the posse have had a glimpse of the hunting grounds, and
received visions of (what they presume to be) the future, but have yet
to step through.

I have fancied playing up the civil war side of the game more, I guess
I could bring it in with a hellish slant on things.



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