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RE: [DL] Request For Assistance

Hi Everyone,


I humbly ask for assistance, I am presently writing an alternative scenario for the Epitaph for DL. Problem is that I am a traditionalist and just can’t get my head around the D20 System for the conversion charts. If anyone out there fancies potentially sharing the credits for this l’il old concept of mine (providing Shane stil likes the idea of course) and possibly coming in on the writing of the whole thing then anyone is most welcome.


Oh….What is the idea, well, erm, it’s a top secret affair which I would rather disscuss in private at the moment if that is ok by all you guys…..oh what the hell…..It’s a setting where instead of playing heros against the reckoners, you play Villains workin for em.


Hopefully that has peaked some interest, obviously there are a few new character concepts, some new edges and hinderances and a few interesting points of view, I am also half way  through a demo adventure for it. Anyone who would like a quick very rough copy of my efforts so far is free to ask, ill email you over one.


Hey, perhaps we could all just chip in and submit the Listserv Epitaph entry on behalf of all of us? I guess we could arrange that. Anyone who wants to be involved just make sure I have your full details so I can type you into the credits.


Give me some feed back folks.



Marshal Peter King


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