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Re: [DL] Marshal in need

On Tuesday, November 19, 2002, at 09:05  AM, Jesper Bųje wrote:

> Hi all
> As I wroted before Im a marshal running a game, but I all of a sudden 
> have
> gotten a probelm, the players are in the end of an adventure 
> (Ghostriders)
> So tomorrow when we play they would start by compleating that, and then
> what??? I got lots of adventures laying around, planning to run, but 
> havent
> gotten the time to prepare them propperly (One of them involves a 
> riverboat,
> a Big poker game, and a lot of faul play) but dose anybody out there 
> have
> any easy going hooks I could use the rest of the time tomorrow???

Ask them what the characters would like to do?

Seriously, the best way to deal with this might be to step back and let 
them work on it. In a reasonable-sized posse, I'd expect at least one 
or two good edges and hindrances that make good adventure hooks like 
Yearnin', Rank, Kin, etc...

I've been very happy with the results of sitting down and making a list 
of possible hooks from each character... This also helps you put things 
in for everyone, so you aren't focusing on just one character's 