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Re: [DL] The Spirit world.

---- deadlands@gamerz.net wrote:
> It all looks good.  It's a good "over" definition of the system, explaining 
> what has been written and allowing for infinite variation based on 
> culture.  Nothing I read contradicts anything I remember.
>   Just one thing.
> A huckster "chat-room"?
I was thinking of it as a means for a last chance to meet up with and confur with the recentlly dead, since trigger happy Posses tend to shoot up Hucksters and such before I can clue them in about the "NPC with information" badge they're wearing. 

If you find the idea is too "Out there" for the setting, thats cool, but for others the idea of a Huckster Valhala might be a extra for thier Marshall's toolbox.