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Re: [DL] The Spirit world.

 --- Allan Seyberth <darious@darious.com> wrote: > It all looks good. 
It's a good "over" definition of the system,
> explaining 
> what has been written and allowing for infinite variation based on 
> culture.  Nothing I read contradicts anything I remember.
>   Just one thing.
> A huckster "chat-room"?

Thanks Allan I had meant to comment on this - but had managed to forget
to post!

I love the idea of this and it contradicts nothing that I remember
reading.  Can people cross between the metaphors - ie enter in the
Hunting Grounds and move into Under the Hill?  If you then exit from
Under the Hill would the person have travelled to Britain?

I am less fond of the saloon idea - it reminds me too much of
netrunning from cyber type games, but that's just personal preference. 
When hucksters go there - how much time would pass? What would happen
to their bodies during this time? 

I think it would be excellent to have something like this in the
epitaph.  You could preface it with an internal report from an
organisation such as the Lady Luck Society (or any one that would be
researching such matters) detailing that the previous thoughts on the
huckster/manitou battle of wills, have been superceeded by the
following discovery.  A sort of scientific method of presenting it
(i.e. this is our undestanding - but this may change if we find
something better as we don't fully understand it).  You could then have
the Marshal's section detailing the full details.



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