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[DL] Trying to decide on new sig

I've been considering switching the quote currently in
my sig to something more Westerny. Here are a couple
that I'm considering:

"I never play cards against a cheat. That's why I've
given up with solitaire."

"I've got four aces." "I'VE got four aces." "Oh yeah?
Well mine are all spades."

Actually, I wasn't really considering this next one as
it's way too long. But it's so cool that I thought I'd
share it with you.

"Don't go to the mines on any account. They are loaded
to the muzzle with vagabonds from every quarter of the
globe, scoundrels from nowhere, rascals from Oregon,
pickpockets from New York, accomplished gentlemen from
Europe, interlopers from Lima and Chile, Mexican
thieves, gamblers of no particular spot, and assassins
manufactured in Hell for the express purpose of
converting highways and byways into theaters of blood;
then last, but not least, Judge Lynch with his
thousand arms, thousand sightless eyes, and five
hundred lying tongues, ready under the banner of
justice to hang, half, and quarter any individual who
may meet his disapprobation."

I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace, that two are called a law firm, and that three or more become a Congress.
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