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[DL] D20 Black Circle (Shane, Fred, Beuller)

Hey everybody,

Spoiler space maybe...

This weekend my big project was completed. I took the time 
and pulled the Blood Mage and Whately family rules from Black 
Circle and converted them. Now I am not sure how good the 
conversion is, but its not bad. I was deciding if I continued 
on with this would it be epitaph submitable? I basically 
turned them both into feats. The blood magician just adds to 
the Black Magician class on pg 125 of the D20 Deadlands 
guide, and the Whately family stuff converted into getting 
the 4 abilities every few levels. Anyway its pretty 
interesting stuff and I want to know should I continue 
converting and submit it to epitaph 5, or is this something 
that is more likely a public release? Let me know your 

Marshal Kevin Stoner