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Re: [DL] Time Machine

On Mon, 30 Dec 2002 16:21:03 -0500 Eric Avedissian <eric@pro-usa.net>
> Okay.
> Does anyone have any thoughts on mad scientists in the Weird West 
> or
> Hell on Earth inventing time machines and traveling to each game
> setting?
> I understand the perils with time travel, as related in The 
> Collegium,
> page 109, but does anyone have any thoughts on a mad scientist 
> inventing
> a ghostrock-powered time travel device? Any theories?
> Marshal Eric

I had a time machine ina rather bad adventure i wrote based of a rather
good short story I wrote. it was my way of getting the posse to wasted
west from weird west, before the unity was out and before I knew the
devils tower trilogy took care of that. my time machine was in a large
truck on treads that came from wasted west. it was powered by nuclear
spirit batteries and part of the time travel system was some advanced
computer terminal wired through a dozen syker brains. I had to blow it up
in the end of course. stranding a wierd western gunslinging weasel in the
wasted west and sending a Grundy and a few muties (renamed "Jackal Girl",
"Brick Chick" and her animal companion "Frog Dog") in 1877. However the
thought of a Grundy running lose in the Wierd West isa very entertaining,
and once we got back there, I'm sure he'll turn up again (his name was
"werfliss", cuz that's what daddy always called him, by the way.)


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