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Re: [DL] Civil War Banned from Knox County Schools

----- Original Message -----
> The Most accurate accounts of the War are taught in Germany.  They don't
> deny anything or skim over evil that anyone committed.  Almost the
> opposite of what the Japanese teach.

That is partly true for Austria as well. Though you will find none that
really was at the Heldenplatz and cheered when Hitler announced the
annection of Austria and the bullshit about Austria being Hitler's first
victim is widely accepted there are many artists who encouraged a very open
and sometimes hard discussion about our past. That didn't start before the
80ies though and the process isn't finished.
Deserters of the Wehrmacht are still not recognised as part of the
resistance, so they won't get support from the state, for example.
But the stuff they teach about the War in History Classes is pretty acurate.
