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[DL] Ordering Marshal Badges UK People.

I've just had some clarification from Shane that the badges are only
available from the website.  Hence those of us outside USA have to pay
$15 shipping (although Shane does mention there is a cheaper - slow
boat variety as well) which I personally find prohibitive when thinking
about ordering a $10 badge.  Anyway I was wondering if anyone in the UK
would be interested in grouping together an order for some badges (plus
anything else you are after) and getting the order sent to one place
and splitting the shipping amongst each of us.  

I guess the cost would = $Order + $Shipping From USA/No. of people +
£Posting in the UK

If any UK'ers are interested, contact me at reemull@yahoo.co.uk and we
can discuss the logisitcs of it all and try to work something out.



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