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Re: [DL] The late Mr. Vogel [ot]

On Friday, March 7, 2003, at 06:01  PM, Joey Fanning wrote:

> Good idea.  Holy crap, I get home hoping to get that Shane was done 
> with my book, hit my e-mail button..
> Inbox:2
> Hey, at least something's going on..
> Inbox:30:That's about normal for a day..
> Inbox:50:Oh, wow.  A lot of mail.
> inbox:100:What the hell?  Did someone get into an argument?
> Inbox:214:Jeez!  What's going on here?
> (sees same massage..over..and over..)
> That was...idiotic.  Oh, well, back to waiting.

Hey, like I said: (In a message I can't blame you for deleting in the 
frenzy.) I had over 6000 before 9:00 AM this morning due to an issue of 
my own creation. That's an eye opener.