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RE: [DL] d20 spells, metamagic feats, and magic item creation

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-deadlands@gamerz.net [mailto:owner-deadlands@gamerz.net]On
Behalf Of cnc80@shaw.ca
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 11:41 PM
To: deadlands@gamerz.net
Subject: [DL] d20 spells, metamagic feats, and magic item creation

I was wondering

For those people who play deadlands d20, how do you handle metamagic feats?

I was thinking of simply bumping up the casting factor of the spell
used, but they do seem overpowered and don't quite fit the feeling.

Also item creation feats really don't fit the environment, but I have a
player who is whining about not having these available.


My suggestion is to explain to him/her that these don't exist and leave it
at that. It's your game and as you've no-doubt noticed Deadlands is a low
magic setting with it's own particular paradigm when it concerns the
supernatural. Magic, whether it manifests as a shamanic favor, hex, or mad
science gizmo is spooky and unpredictable, that's why relics come about more
or less on their own. In my own D&D games I've made magic item manufacture
difficult and costly not to mention time consuming. The rules in the PHB
reflect a moderate to high magic setting where minor magic, and some not so
minor, items are common place. My advice to you, preserve the integrity of
your Deadlands d20 Saga and just say no to item creation feats.

