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Re: Mini size "Standards" was: Re: [DL] general rules questions

On Wednesday, March 26, 2003, at 08:49  AM, Phalen, Pat wrote:

>> As a reminder, the size of a miniature (be it 25mm, 28mm, 30mm and so 
>> on) is
> That's *one* version of the "standard"
> Other companies claim that it is to the top of the head.
> This is, unfortunately, one of the biggest frustrations of the minis 
> hobby, INMSHO (no ISO, ASM, etc. standards!)
> This is *especially* troublesome for me, as I tend to be a *bit* anal 
> about scale.
> Some would argue that different people are different heights and I can 
> buy of on that argument, but it is the Girth of the different minis 
> that throw you off, as well.
> For example, Old Glory ACW figures are only slightly shorter than 
> their GRW brethren, but about half as thick in just about width or 
> girth.

Most of my minis are GW with a bunch of GRW/jeff Valenti and a few 
Reaper minis bouncing around. I have to admit i don't notice scale 
differences that much, although the Valenti minis tend to look somewhat 
large in comparison to my GW stuff, oddly enough... Of course, my GW 
armies include non-human Skaven and Tyranids, so the only bulk 
concentration of human sized GW minis is my Sisters of battle and 
atached ImpGuard.