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[DL] Civil War Question

This is a piece of Civil War mythology that I only
vaguely remember, but it is a little intriguing and I
though I'd like to work it into my game.  Please let
me know if anybody knows anything about the following

Supposedly, on the way to (or maybe from) Bull Run,
Stonewall Jackson led his division past a house in
Maryland that was flying the Federal Flag.  Jackson
ordered it taken down.

As the story goes, the lady of the house comes running
out, and declares in the face of Jackson's whole army
that no flag but that of the Union will ever fly over
her home.

Supposedly, Jackson was so impressed by her courage
that he allowed her to keep it, and his whole army
ended up marching to where ever they were going under
the stars and stripes.

Anybody know anything about this?

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