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Re: [DL] Deadlands Darwin Awards

My party with my MS had a run in with Stone.  It was not a happy thing as most of you know and it is just plain depressing to know that, your posse of 6, is outgunned by just one man.

It was turning into a slaughter; with nothing that we tried could seem to take him down.  HEY... ITS STONE

In the closing round of combat one of our players rolled and 80+ off of d6's followed by a natural 20 for location.  Damage was about the same as well.  Stone dropped like a sack full of undead potatoes.

Now I am not sure what happened next, all I know is that in our game stone had this tendency to jump from one body to the next when he died (dragging a screaming manatu along with him.  The first guy was able to resist Stone (how I do not know) so then he moves to the next person (my MS).

We rolled off for dominion and I coughed up some fate chips to make a roll after losing 2 points.  On that role stone botched and I got them all.  So... I was firmly in control... or so it would seem.

They ran me off to holy ground hoping that it would help keep the little bastard in my head and under control.  I then proceeded to have rather engaging conversations with the man inside my head.  It was an attempt to "Logically understand this Phenomena". 

Now you should know this.  My MS had an intolerance for everything under the sun that was not white, and big britches to boot (being from the OLD south before the slaves were free).  In his mind Stone, sounded like a man of color (or was just doing it to get the MS riled up).  Stone said some pretty harsh things (in an all to calm voice) and well.... the MS just could not let it go.  It ended like this

Stone:  For now you are in control

MS:  And just don't you forget who is in control here BOY (I made a point of telling my Marshal that I was spiritually poking him in the chest to emphasize that last part).

At that moment things went horribly wrong, and the party had no problems putting down the MS for good when he "went bad" after talking to Stone in such a way.  The ensuing dominion rolls failed horribly from the remark.  For those of you who know stone's stats, my 2d8 just could not compete to a pissed off servant of death.

This was the first time I had played a MS, and was his first night at the table.  



Carl Smith   

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