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Re: [DL] What is "Western"?

--- Aaron Chusid <aaron@to-the-point.org> wrote:
> Silly question, I know, but as I get ready to GM my
> first ever DL campaign 
> (not having even played before), I want to have a
> better feeling for what 
> Western is.

I have been doing research into actual events of the
late 19th century west.  A lot of what was going on
ended up as an "us against them" theme.  Cattlemen
against Sodbusters against Sheep men.  Miners against
miners.  The natives against the "White Man".  The
Army moving the natives and when they didn't go,
exterminating them.  The railroads were trying to get
rights of way the quickest cheapest easiest way, which
pit them against everyone.  Them there were the town
folk who hated the "ruffians" even though they were
the reason for many towns existances.  It was all one
big mish mash of everyone being right and thinking
their way is the only way, sometimes by devine right. 
Manifest Destiny is what it all comes down to.

David Sumpter

If I had a witty comment, I'd put it here.

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