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[DL] Kids

Hey, things seem pretty dead lately. so I thought I'd try and get a
thread of discussion going. Kids, heroes, NPC's, Sidekicks, even
villains, lets here about them. Have they been orphans, savages,
greenies, grew up in a survior settlement, traveled west with their
pioneer family, Grundies? Lets here it!

We've had one kid in WW. Li-Li Wen,  a martial artist/toaist blessed. she
grew up in Shan Fan with Triad life. Though techincally she's no longer a
kid since she's gown u pa little, but she started with the Kid hindrance.
She has an insatiable curiosity which was very helpful; to me as a
marshal, since she picked up on every hint i dropped, and even kept a log
of notres, but it was very irritating to our very secretive huckster who
kept trying to cast spells from the shadows. She once challenged our
tough arrogant gunslinging madscientist to a fight. If she lost, she'd
leave him alone, if she won, he had to tach her how to use a rifle.
little did he know that not only was she a skilled martial artist, but
she had a blessing that made her immune to physical wind loss. Needless
to say she won, and he be grudgingly taught her to shoot.


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