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Re: [DL] [DL list] Reminder: Bay Area Pinnacle Fans Gathering isTONIGHT!

Marguerite Frey wrote:

--- PEGShane@aol.com wrote:

Pics and a write-up get on the web page!

I'm planning on doing this from home tonight (I still
need to get the pictures Brent took). If that's too
late for you, just let me know and I'll squeeze it in
at lunch. Thanks, we all had a good time! :-)

Talking of bay area (and not being from roun' these parts, i'm assuming this
is calirfornia around SF), one of my posse is heading off to Berkeley for
9months from tomoz - she is a good and reasonably level headed player,
and i've furnished her with copy of savage worlds to take with her.

Anyway, if any of you in your gaming travels come across an english girl
from yorkshire who used to play a Priest called Father Geoff, look after
her :)  She has the address of the BARPS, so hopefully she can find a
game via that, if not on campus...

