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Re: [DL] new relic idea

On Thursday, October 23, 2003, at 12:05 PM, Marshal Stone wrote:

Yall was talkin earlier about relics and I was wondering if you guys would give me your thoughts on this one. It belongs to a Blessed that is one of my NPC's for my game.
It is a bible that is hand written by the top scholars of King James (i.e. King James version bible)
With this relic a Blessed may cast any miracle or divine intervention ( even if the blessed does not know it) and can have any gift for a temporary time ( 1d4 hour x faith level )
The only taint is that you must be a blessed with a faith of 4 or higher to use it.
Constructive criticism invited and if you have time would like to have your 2 cents worth Shane.

Offhand, very overpowered. Most 90% plus) beginning Blessed can use this, so there's no side effects, really, and it opens up access to every single miracle.