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Re: [DL] new relic idea

> With this relic a Blessed may cast any miracle or divine intervention (
> even if the blessed does not know it) and can have any gift for a
> temporary time ( 1d4 hour x faith level )

Under what conditions? What do they have to do to use the miracles or get
the gifts? Also, with Interventions, you don't "know" them, you just call
for one.

> The only taint is that you must be a blessed with a faith of 4 or higher
> to use it.

That's not really a Taint, it's more like a qualification. Besides, any
starting Blessed is likely going to meet that and the Relic sounds pretty
powerful- you might want to make it a 6. If you want a Taint associated with
it, here's an idea: the longer the character possesses it, the more he
begins to speak in early modern English- basically, Shakespearean English.

Nick Zachariasen