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Re: [DL] Re: [Savage_Worlds] Re: Savage Deadlands

I personally haven't been able to afford game books since after LC came out, LC being the last book i've gotten. I'm as pissed as most of you at how "empty" lost colony was. Heck, that's why I wrote a whole freakin' book, but i kinda wish now that i'd written it for LC rather than HOE. Here's a list of some of the books I'd like to have seen for LC:

1.Book on the reapers. Not sure who they are, exactly, as I never read the novel that seems to be "required reading".

2.Ship book. There were some rules for starfighters, but not much that made someone wanna jump into a ship. Customization, lots of models, and new starfighter rules.

3.Hellstromme compound book. We were promised this one, too bad we never saw it.

4.Anouk book! They seemed like they were too hastily done, all of 'em fit cookie-cutter stereotypes, they don't seem fun to play.

5.Catalog of monsters. Is it just me, or even with the Reckoners, does Banshee not seem as dangerous a place as it should be?

6.New Arcane BGs. We need more than just sykers and mutes!

7.Advantures. I want to love Lost Colony, but there's nothing to do there!

Horace Black wrote:

 I'm inclined to agree with you.  I went out and
bought Savage World after talking to Shane at GenCon.
 I think Savage World in and of itself is fine, but
it just doesn't have the same feel to it.  However, in
all fairness to SW I haven't had the chance to run or
play it just yet, although I have watched a session
and read the rules.
 I'm still terribly disapointed with the treatment of
Lost Colonies, I mean we where so hyped to play that
back when Pinnacle first started talking about it.
Then we get this HOE supplement when we where hoping
to get another system like HOE was to Deadlands.  It
felt like it was just slapped together to placate
those who wanted it, not bad writing mind you, just
not what we expected.  So today it with the so called
companion sit collecting dust on the shelf.
 Currently I'm running a Hell on Earth (Classic)
campaign and luvin' it, later we'll switch back to
Deadland (Classic), which is my favorite of the two.
 Just my 2 cents.
                                Horace Black