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Re: [DL] Dodging multiple attacks- Classic

--- Reemull <reemull@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Checking the accumulated rulings
> (http://www.sonic.net/~dkjedi/deadlands/wwrules.htm)
> it seems John Goff
> ruled that a vamoose lasts for the action card in
> which it was
> performed (this is listed under  Combat: Vamoosin').
> So a new dodge roll is required for each attack on a
> different action
> card.  So in the case of your Black Hat - when shot
> at by a posse
> member with 2 gattling pistols - both pistols are
> fired in the same
> action - so he only has to make one dodge roll for
> them both.   However
> if another posse member (or I guess the same posse
> member) was to shoot
> at him on a different action card - then he'd have
> to make a whole new
> roll.

That's the way I play it too.  It'd be the same if a
gunslinger was using a pair of Double Action
revolvers, one Dodge roll for the ENTIRE action card. 
It's possible that some shots would be dodged, and
some still hit.
As a side note, if the shooter is making called shots
in the above example, and the shootee Dodges, if there
happens to be a hit, is it to the called location?

David Sumpter

If I had a witty comment, I'd put it here.

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