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Re: [DL] Shamans and Baba Yaga

--- Butch R <darth_rose@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings All,
>   Question regarding Indians and their magic:  If
> you can't "store" 
> appeasement points, how can you "spend" them when
> you need them?  Here's how 
> I understand it:  Posse comes along some bad guys,
> Indian decides to try to 
> use "Str of the Bear".  Now say he uses "Scar" to
> gain the points.  Does he 
> run away to scratch himself with his knife while the
> party fights?  Maybe 
> I"m just missing something.  Please guide.
You select your ritual and favor. You roll the Ritual
aptitude against the listed target number. You gain
the listed amount of Appeasment Points listed for each
success/raise. They are immediately spent on the
selected favor. Didn't generate sufficient appeasment?
Tough noogies.

Actually, you can store Appeasment Points if you have
a Guardian Spirit (and what self-respecting shaman doesn't?).

I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace, that two are called a law firm, and that three or more become a Congress.
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