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Re: [DL] London in the deadlands world?

--- David Sumpter <lordthrog@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Marguerite, becuase I know this is an issue for you
> and your group, what sort of info do you 
> consider "Spoiler"?

-Anything in either RVC (let players read the monsters
books?  NOT!).
-Anything in the Marshal's Sections of ANY book.
-The entirety of Hexarcana, the Book of the Dead,
martial arts, voodoo, and every module / dime novel /
box set material (yes, even the ones we've been
-Every No Man's Land section from every book EXCEPT 
Ghost Dancers (Yea us!  We know what the Deadlands are
now!) and the Hexslinger portion of Law Dogs.

In other words, great big huge chunks of everything,
I'm afraid.  Since I'm not the only player on this
list, a "better safe than sorry" policy would be
greatly appreciated by us all.  If it's not in an
Epitaph or a "players must read this to play the game"
section, it's better off under a spoiler warning.



Alea Iacta Est!