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Re: [DL] London in the deadlands world?

> Hi Guys, long-time digest lurker here,
> I am writing a bit of a short story, set in a steampunk-esque London
environ in
> the late 19th century and I wanted to actually set it in the deadlands
> 'universe' (I love ghost rock and fear mongering what can I say).
> Anyway, I was wondering if there is any material written on London at all?
> been creating my own idea of london, which is a mix from deadlands WW/HoE,
> Thief Games, 1984, Mad Max 2, and Neverwhere.
> thanks!
> neko

Hi Neko,
Haven't got any Deadlands sources for your inspiration because I believe
other than the already mentioned there isn't very much.
The Back East Books especially the North would give you a good feel for the
setting, plus I would recommend looking at the 'Difference Engine' by
Bruce Sterling and 'Homunculus' by James P Blaylock, both available from

Hope that helps
