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[DL] GM new to setting could use some help.

Hello, all. Tried posting this to the forum, but it appears to be down. 

I'm an experienced game master coming back to the hobby after not gaming at all for about 18 months. This is my first Deadlands campaign, and I'm in the midst of the first real adventure I'm writing for this game. 

I don't know why, whether it's the long absence from gaming, because I'm totally new to the setting or just hitting a dry spell, but I'm having trouble with the adventure, and I could use some help with ideas.

The basic set up is this. My posse-of-one (hopefully by that time two) PC's will be in Cheyenne, Wy. Outside of Cheyenne, of course, are a number of ranchers. I plan on bringing the sheep vs cattle dispute to Cheyenne in a big way, with a Hatfield vs McCoy style feud going on between the two most prominent families, whose lands also happen to butt each other. Naturally, there's a land dispute between them, made worse by the fact that one is a sheep rancher, one is cattle. 

To make matters even worse, the head of one of the families was recently killed, and came back harrowed. Now since he ruled his family with an iron fist before, he still rules it now, and is more despotic than ever.  (he's gonna be one of those harrowed who's just evil whether the manitou's in charge or not) People in Cheyenne don't know he's harrowed, but his family does, and so does the other family in the feud. Which leads them to hire a famous gunslinger/killer to take down the new manitou in town. Rumors abound in town that this killer is on his way to Cheyenne, but he hasn't arrived yet. 

Enter the PC, just arriving in town after guarding a gold and silver shipment, who happens to be a dead ringer for the hired killer, and now is harrassed by sheriff, marshall, and any other lawmen I can scrounge up. The adventure is gonna be about him dealing with this, discovering the real hired killer, hopefully taking him down, and only then discovering that he was there to take out an evil harrowed. Now he has to finish the job.

My problem is this: I need suggestions on how to harrass the PC while people still think he's the killer. I need side plots to distract him ( I have one, the cliche landlady of his boarding house in debt to the evil banker, who is forcing her to marry him against her will, or he'll foreclose). And I need a way to set him on the right track after he takes out the killer, one that doesn't amount to someone just telling him the rancher is a harrowed.

Thanks, y'all.

John Gallagher,
the new marshall in town