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[DL] Re: deadlands-digest.20040929

Calvin Withers is a man on a mission. Born to a prominent and wealthy 
family out east, Calvin found his faith, and his mission out on the 
high plains of the old west. Before he came out he was a man who 
enjoyed life, and lets all the troubles pass him by as his money and 
position sheilded him from the worst of it.

But then came Dodge. Teaming up with an unlikely pair, an indian 
scout and a troublesome gunslinger, he soon learned that thee were 
things out here in the west that had no explaination, particurally a 
group of southern symphasizers who came back and started hanging 
northerners up in their barns. Barely surviving the ensuing fights, 
mostly due to the help of his friends but also his very strong faith, 
Calvin continued traveling, and now that his eyes were open, he came 
more and more to see the "Quiet Hollows" of the land, places where 
evil laired, waiting to strike. 

So he decided to do something about it. He started traveling across 
the west, preaching to anyone who would listen, trying to turn more 
to his side, people who could both recognize these "Quiet Hollows" 
and do something about them.

But that was a long hard road..... 

And so he came to Amnerican Falls, Idaho after hearing some very 
disturbing rumors, like ancients shafts in the bedrock under the 
lake, shafts full of dense ghost rock, and maybe other things as 
well. Thisngs a lot worse. Of a dangerous group of outlaws, who 
might be more than just a band of robbers. And a local indian 
tribe that certianly knows more than it is telling... 

The boomtown of American falls was booming indeed, or boiling over. 


I am now recruiting for a new Deadlands (Classis) NOT d20 game. 

I am looking for 4-8 players who:
Know the Deadlands rules fairly well
Can post 4-5 tiems a week minimum
Are able to play regularly for at least a year
Are ready to go down guns blazing

If you fit these qualifications, visit the site above and send me 
any and all questions