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Re: [DL] Indian Questions

1.  He doesn't get to see spirits automatically.  He definitely doesn't get to know what they're up to.  There are favors for talking to spirits. 
2.  He can talk to his spirit all he wants, but the spirit won't answer very often.  And direct answers are extraordinarily rare.  As far as omnipotent, his guardian spirit is neither omnipotent nor omniscient.  Think of it as a friend that comes by and does him favors every now and then.  A friend that lives a good distance away(on another plane).
3.  Up to you.  Depends on the exact wording.  It should definitely be an edged weapon, because tomahawks were sharpened very well, but whether it's "bladed" is open to debate.  If it's for an indian favor, I'd cal it bladed, tomahawk and knife being the only edged weapons they're likely to use.  If it's for a huckster hex or the like that specifies bladed, I'd probably limit the hex to knives, swords, and other things with actual blades. 
4.  Read the books, they're excellent.  Remember that there are numerous indian tribes.  The Old Ways movement is also a big deal, as some indians follow it and others don't.  Be prepared to house rule, and always go with the more limited interpretation.  You can always loosen things up if you feel something was overly weakened, but it's harder to take away someone's toy.  Don't allow the indian to use gizmos or hexes from his friends to enhance his abilities when he tries to invoke his favors(spirits hate manitous and they also hate gizmos). 
Hope this helps, enjoy the game and try to read the book ASAP.  It's a bad idea to let the player tell you how his character's abilities work, since he may be wrong, or interpret things very loosely.

carl smith <fishhook79@yahoo.com> wrote:

For any of you that have run with, run one, or have had one in your group I need some insight.  I have never had an indian in my Deadlands group before (old style not D20).  My good friend has now decided to run one for whatever reason and did so 10 minutes before game time so I have had no time to be prepaired for it.  He was "pretty sure" that he had a the rules down but I would rather have more to go on and be prepaired so here are some questions.

1)  We have a huckster in the group and a mad scientist.  My friend who is a Warrior chief with a wolf guardian spirit seems to think that he can see all the spirits around them and knows exactly what they are up to.  This is starting to cause some friction in the group as he voices his displeasure with the "Palefaces".  Can he in any way see the spirits or know of them around the characters?

2)  He constantly consults with his guardian spirit as if its omnipotent and knows all.  Not only that but he expect answers on the spot.  I have done my best to give him "signs" but that just seems to rub me wrong.  I have not had a chance to pick up the book this week so can someone please tell me if this is possible?  Can he just "commune" with his guardian whenever he pleases, get answers consitantly, and does he need to do a ritual of some kind?

3)  A Heavy Stone tomohawk is the weapon he uses.  Does this count as a "bladed" weapon or is it just more of a wedge with weight behind it?  This is a question I need answered ASAP

4)  Ay idea's and sudjestions are welcome as I have never had an indian in the group before and I want to keep things smooth and enjoyable.  So adventure hooks, dealing with or how others actions towards the indian is all new ground to me.  Please help.



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