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Re: [DL] Indian Questions

He has never tried something like this before, or anything like that.  I knew he was not that pleased with his current character and how they were turning out, it happens to everyone.  So he had told me he wanted to start a new character but he had no idea what.  As far as I know it was as last minute for him as it was me.
As for him being a problem player, no never.  He is usually the calm head of the group and leaves the power gamming to one or two of my other players that like to have the biggest guns and the most strength.  Normally he plays hucksters or blessed (when he gets to play as he is usually a GM).  Since he is primaraly my GM I tend to listen to him when it comes to certain issues but he does know when I am behind the screen what the roles are and its my game not his.  Yes we had some of those "growing pains" as we (and everyone else) had to get use to the new roles for a bit, but it was the only way that he was going to get to play. 
Anyway I hope I did not paint to terrible of a picture of him, he really is a stand up guy.  The situation had to be addressed however and I grateful to all of you that have responded and helped me with this.  I have already had a sit down with him and told him the rules of the trade so to speak of running his indian and he is fine with that.  He says he will read the book more and bring any issues to me not in front of the players and hopefuly before game time.  Alright I am out... thanks again to everyone for your help
Carl Smith
Head of the "I really dont think we have enough dynomite for this" Deadlands group, also known as the "Running away seems to be the best course of action" and the "oh DEAR GOD not in the face not in the face for the love of god it is eating my face"  Group

Sitting Duck <sittingduck_1313@yahoo.com> wrote:

--- carl smith wrote:

> For any of you that have run with, run one, or have
> had one in your group I need some insight. I have
> never had an indian in my Deadlands group before
> (old style not D20). My good friend has now decided
> to run one for whatever reason and did so 10 minutes
> before game time so I have had no time to be
> prepaired for it. He was "pretty sure" that he had
> a the rules down but I would rather have more to go
> on and be prepaired so here are some questions.
Since everyone else has answered your questions, I
won't bother with those. However, I'd like to comment
that your player springing this on you at the last
minute seems a mite suspicious. Has he/she/it ever
been a problem player? From the way you describe it,
it sounds like your player is trying to pull one over you.

I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace, that two are called a law firm, and that three or more become a Congress.
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